Saturday, October 29, 2011 | By: CatholicGirl

To Write or Not to Write? That is the Question...

Hi, y'all!

If you're reading this then consider yourself lucky or on my short list of "People I want to torment" because not many people know about this little venture.

This blog was birthed when someone recommended that I blog about my upcoming experiences while participating in National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo, or if you're pathetically lazy- like me- just NaNo. At first I scoffed at this person. Why would I write about my experiences of failing miserably at a writing challenge? Why would I take precious time from writing said novel to write a blog about how I was failing to meet my daily word quota? This person did not offer any helpful answers. No, this person merely shrugged and walked away while I stewed in the juices of their toxic idea. Thus this blog was born.

I will be attempting to write 50,000 words of original fiction during the month of November. While this might come as a surprise to some of you, writing has been a serious hobby of mine for the past two years now. I've been involved with several writing communities and met some amazing people in that time, as well as flexed writing muscles I had no prior knowledge that I possessed. In that time I've written several short stories, a couple novellas, and one novel that will never see the light of day. (No, you may not read it. I don't even read it. Yes, it really is that terrible.) This challenge shouldn't be freaking me out as much as it is, considering that I've been writing eight, ten, thirteen thousand word chapters for a while now, but... it IS! In order to meet the deadline I will to be writing an average of 2,361 words a day, five days a week.  I think the idea of a deadline is what has me so spastic. Nevertheless, I have said my goodbyes to my already sad, pathetic social life. I am resolved to countless hours spent in front of a computer screen playing moody music and ignoring the world as it spins by on its merry, carefree way. (Not that this is much different from my life now, but I have to insert drama any way I possibly can. Please refer back to the part where I mentioned my sad, pathetic social life.)

I'll be journaling a few times a week here about what's going right (or wrong), how my word count is progressing (or not progressing), and if you're super, duper good maybe a snippet or two about what I'll be working on. Here's a little synopsis I have posted on my NaNo author's profile:

Title: Uninvited
Genre: Science Fiction/Romance
     Robbin Lopez has recently inherited a home from her beloved, albeit eccentric Aunt Cora in historic St. Augustine, Florida. A talented musician, Robbin moves to St. Augustine to reacquaint herself with the life she distanced herself from many years ago. Despite every effort on her part to not get attached to the town and the house, she finds herself doing just that, until one day when a large crate is delivered to her. A piano from Europe now fills her new home, as well as an unusual supernatural entity. What could this mean? What does this spirit want from Robbin? Is it a good ghost or a bad ghost? 

Those, as well as a few other questions will be answered as I dive into this novel. Consider this blog your ticket to a front row seat to my insanity. Feel free to comment and tell me you think I'm stupid, or wish me a little luck. Believe me, I'm gonna need it.

Thanks for reading!

NaNo Author name: SuperNanney75