In fact, it kicked my boo-ta-tay. With tomorrow being the final day of November there is NO POSSIBLE WAY I can meet the 50K word challenge. That is unless my fairy godmother floats down and waves her magic want to turn back time. I refuse to post my final word count (It's THAT pathetic). Just know that if I needed to come up with $50K by tomorrow to pay Joey, The Fist, Mahooney, and I had a dollar for each word I'd written so far, I'd be getting fitted for concrete shoes right now. Come this time tomorrow I'd be sleeping with the fishes.
I'm not ready to admit that this month was a waste. No way! I may not have written 50K words in 30 days, but I have fully developed my plot line, worked on making these characters more real to me, and researched some important info that was necessary in order for me to write some of the future plot more realistically. So, all in all, I feel like this time has helped to usher me into a place where I probably should have been at the start of NaNo. If I had been "here" at the start of the challenge then I think I would have had a much better chance of reaching that goal. Better late than never, right?
Now the real work begins. I've written the first chapter, although SOMEBODY thinks its too short. That person was fitted with concrete shoes and sent to take a nap in a deluxe waterbed. And I'm excited to see how Robbin's story unfolds. She's a sassy character, and has plenty of snide remarks. At the moment her main interactions are with a Miss Ellie who is full of odd sayings and witticisms, so I'm having fun writing at this point. I'm still working on my flow, but I know from experience that as soon as it starts it will be hard to keep these kids quiet.
I think I'd like to shift the focus of this pathetic little blog from participating in NaNo to being a means to document the process of writing this novel and see how that works out. I can't promise long or frequent postings, but I promise to not forget to keep those of you reading it informed of my progress.
I want to thank you all for your support and for not pointing and laughing at me It's no fun when you're at the business end of the laughter and pointing. ;)
Until next time,
No pointing and laughing - just love & support! Always.
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